Inspirational Workspaces

Inspirational Workspaces

Inspirational Workspaces  Work environments count for more than just a place to do business.  Each office space, conference room, lobby area, and even hallway influences human well-being. Multiple studies show paint color, wall décor, and furnishing styles have a...
Just Sound Business

Just Sound Business

Copyrighted material is everywhere. Literary works, music, photographs and graphics are all protected from unauthorized use. Known as a tangible work of authorship, copyright covers what is published and unpublished. It also permits an owner to select the ways their...
More Than Framed Glass

More Than Framed Glass

Almost every building has windows. They are essential for natural light illumination and improving interior environments. Windows facilitate well-being for structure inhabitants and allow for an outdoor connection while defining architectural spaces. They keep the...
RGB, CMYK, and High Impact Imaging

RGB, CMYK, and High Impact Imaging

Color plays an important role in conveying nonverbal information. It creates moods and can influence our decisions. About 90 percent of snap judgments are impacted by the psychological effects of color. If colors are that important, it makes sense to be clear about...
Keeping Pace

Keeping Pace

In a world brimming with choices, some consumers will look for any corporate or product misstep to justify moving to an alternative. It’s a sobering lesson when a business determines their customer worth fails at meeting market demands. No matter the industry, staying...
Is it possible to do……?

Is it possible to do……?

It’s unrealistic for a business to know everything about a client’s creative challenge. Today, with all the available options for solving the puzzle it’s easy to see why answers can be elusive. It’s also understandable that turning to a trusted advisor, like Digitype...